Our Services

Guaranteed, one-on-one quality, personalized care tailored to your specific needs—from the comfort of your own home. We specialize in:

  • Arthritic & Sciatica Pain Relief

  • Athletic Training

  • Dry Needling

  • Balance & Fall Prevention

  • Acute & Chronic Pain

  • Back & Neck Pain

  • Post-OP Rehab

  • Sports Physical Therapy

We treat chronic pain that is long standing and continuous or chronic pain that comes and goes. We treat acute pain conditions that are sudden and severe with their onset. Treatments can include, but aren’t limited to, assessing movement patterns, strengthening, mobilizations, and stabilization exercises.

These types of pains can have many different causes such as repetitive or heavy lifting, trauma, injury, improper or overuse of muscles or movement patterns. Treatments can include but aren’t limited to assessing movement patterns and posture, strengthening, mobilizations, and stabilization exercises.

Post OP Rehab

Post operative care is what you receive following a surgical procedure. Treatment can include pain management, muscle strengthening, joint motion, and restoring joint function.

This type of therapy focuses on the physically active individual that aspires to return to athletic activities but can’t or is hesitant to because of an injury. Treatments can include but aren’t limited to  strengthening, mobilizations, stabilization, and return to sport specific exercises.

Arthritic conditions are those that cause swelling and/or tenderness to one or more joints that contributes to pain or stiffness. Sciatica refers to pain affecting the back, hip, legs, and even down to the feet. Treatment can include, but is not limited to, movement, strengthening, mobilizations, stabilization, and pain relieving exercises.

Training or engaging in activity in order to help improve one’s fitness and performance. This can include but is not limited to strength training, endurance training, flexibility training, and technique training.

Dry needling is an intramuscular stimulation technique applied to an affected muscle or trigger point that helps decrease muscle tightness, increase blood flow, and reduce pain. Patients often report immediate relief after treatment.

Using specific physical activity exercises to reduce the fear of falling while helping to increase activity levels at the same time. Focusing on targeted strengthening exercises for muscle mobility and stability along with balance exercises for joint stability.

Ready to get started?

ACE will help you Achieve your goals, Conquer your fears, and Elevate yourself on your way to a more comfortable and pain free daily routine. Book an in-home appointment today.